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Last update: May 2018

Farmacia Pescetto by Dr. Sean Francesco Pescetto with registered office at Via Balbi 185r – 16126 (Italy) (hereinafter referred to only as “Farmacia Pescetto”), acting as the personal data controller in accordance with Leg. Decree 196/2003 and subsequent amendments – Code concerning the protection of personal data (“Privacy Code”) – and with EU Regulation 679/2016 applicable as of May 25, 2018 – General Regulation on Data Protection (“RGPD”) (hereinafter Privacy Code and RGPD shall be collectively referred to as “Applicable Legislation”), recognizes the importance of protecting personal data and considers it one of the main goals of its business.
Before communicating any personal data, Farmacia Pescetto invites you to carefully read this Privacy Policy, since it contains important information concerning the protection of personal data and the safety measures adopted to guarantee its privacy in full compliance with the Applicable Legislation. Furthermore, this Privacy Policy:
is only applicable to the website (“Website”) while it is not applicable to other websites that may be visited through external links;
shall be understood as an Information Notice provided in accordance with Art. 13 of the Applicable Legislation to those interacting with the Website;
is in compliance with the Recommendation no. 2/2001 regarding the minimum requirements for on-line data collection within the European Union, adopted on May 17, 2001 by Working Group Article 29.

Farmacia Pescetto would like to inform you that the processing of your personal data will abide by the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, limitations of purpose and storage, data minimization, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality. Your personal data will therefore be processed in accordance with the legislative provisions of the Applicable Legislation and the confidentiality requirements foreseen therein.


Please find below the Table of Contents of this Privacy Policy, so you may easily find information inherent to the processing of your personal data.

a. Browsing data
b. Data provided voluntarily
c. Cookies and similar technology


  • In light of the Applicable Legislation, the Data Controller for the Website is Farmacia Pescetto, as detailed above. For any information inherent to the processing of personal data by Farmacia Pescetto, among which a list of the data processing officers, you may contact the Controller at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by telephone at the number + 39010261609


  • “Personal Data” means any information concerning an identifiable or unidentifiable natural person, with particular reference identification such as the name, an identification number, data related to location, online identification or one or more characteristics of his or her physical, physiological, mental, financial, cultural or social identity.
    The personal data collected on the Website is as follows:

  • a. Browsing data 
    The Website IT systems collect certain Personal Data, the transmission of which is implied in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with you, but rather due to its nature, through elaborations and associations with data retained by third parties, may allow identifying you. Among such are IP addresses or domain names of devices used to connect to the Website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in the reply, the numerical code indicating the reply status from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other settings related to your operating system and IT environment.
    This data is used for the purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Website, and to monitor its proper operation; to allow - given the architecture of the systems used - the proper delivery of the various operations you request, for safety reasons, and to confirm liability in the event of hypothetical IT crimes damaging the Website or third parties, and will be deleted after 7 days.

    b. Data provided voluntarily
    Through the Website, you have the opportunity to voluntarily provide Personal Data such as your name, surname, address, telephone and e-mail in order to contact Farmacia Pescetto through the “Contact Us” form or by sending an email to Farmacia Pescetto. Farmacia Pescetto will process this data in compliance with the Applicable Legislation, assuming that it refers to You or third parties that have explicitly authorized the conferment of this data under a suitable legal basis that legitimizes the processing of the data in question. Under these circumstances it becomes the autonomous data controller, assuming all legal obligations and responsibilities. To this end, it shall be held harmless and shall not be held liable with regards to any dispute, demand, request for the compensation of damages from the processing etc. which may be made against Farmacia Pescetto by third parties whose Personal Data has been processed, through the use of the Website, in violation with the Applicable Legislation.

    c. Cookies and similar technology
    Farmacia Pescetto collects Personal Data through cookies. Additional information on the use of cookies and similar technology is available here.


The Personal data you provide through the Website will be processed by Farmacia Pescetto for the following purposes:

  1. Purposes inherent to the fulfillment of a contract you entered into or the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted upon your request (e.g.: request to be contacted through the Contact Us form, request for a quote, etc.);
  2. Statistical research/analysis purposes on aggregated or anonymous data, thus without the possibility of identifying the user, aimed at measuring the operation of the Website, measuring the traffic and evaluating user friendliness and interest;
  3. Purposes related to the fulfillment of a legal requirement which Farmacia Pescetto is held to;
  4. Purposes necessary for confirming, exercising or defending a right in court or whenever the jurisdictional authorities exercise their jurisdictional duties.

The legal basis of the processing of Personal Data for the purposes referred to in 1) is the delivery of a service or the confirmation of a request that does not require consent in accordance with the Applicable Legislation. The purpose referred to in 2) does not lead to the processing of Personal Data, the purpose in 3) concerns the fulfillment of a legal requirement, while the purpose referred to in 4) represents the legitimate processing of Personal Data in accordance with the Applicable Legislation, given that once the Personal data is conferred, the processing is actually necessary in order to fulfill the legal requirement Farmacia Pescetto is held to. The conferment of your Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes is optional, however, lack thereof may render impossible the fulfillment of your request or a legal requirement which Farmacia Pescetto is held to.


Your Personal Data may be shared, for the purposes referred to in point 3, with:
a. parties required for the provision of services offered by the Website among which, for example but not limited to, sending e-mails and the operational analysis of the Website, which typically act as the processing officers of Farmacia Pescetto;
b. persons authorized by Farmacia Pescetto to process Personal Data which may be committed to confidentiality or have adequate legal obligations of confidentiality; (e.g. employees and collaborators of Farmacia Pescetto); (a. and b. shall be collectively referred to as “Recipients”);
c. judicial authorities while carrying out their operations when required by the Applicable Legislation.


Your personal data will not be transferred to Recipients that may be located outside of the European Economic Space. In any case, it remains understood that the Controller, where necessary, will have the option to move the server even outside the EU. In such case, the Controller ensures as of now that the transfer of data outside of the EU will take place in compliance with the provisions of the applicable laws, upon prior stipulation of the standard contractual clauses foreseen by the European Commission.


Farmacia Pescetto will process your Personal Data strictly for the time required to reach the objectives indicated in point 3. Farmacia Pescetto will process your Personal Data until the time period allowed by Italian Law in order to protect its own interests (Art. 2947 (1) (3) Criminal Code). Additional information concerning the storage period of Personal Data and the criteria used to determine said period, may be requested by writing to Farmacia Pescetto.


Within the limits of the Applicable Legislation, you have the right to ask Farmacia Pescetto, at any time, to access your Personal Data, for the correction or deletion of the same, to oppose to its processing or limit the processing, as well as to obtain the data concerning you in a structured format, for common use and in a readable format from an automated device.
The requests must be forwarded via e-mail at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In accordance with the Applicable Legislation you nevertheless have the right to make a claim to the competent monitoring authorities (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data) should you believe that the processing of your Personal Data is against the laws in effect.


This Privacy Policy is effective as of May 2018. Farmacia Pescetto reserves the right to amend or simply update the content, partially or completely, even due to changes in the Applicable Legislation. Farmacia Pescetto will inform you of these changes as soon as they are introduced and they will become binding as soon as they are published on the Website. Therefore, Farmacia Pescetto invites you to regularly visit this section to become aware of the most recent and updated version of the Privacy Policy, so you may always stay updated with regards to the data collected and how it is used by Farmacia Pescetto.